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Paying for Assisted Living

No matter what your socio-economic status, make sure you are taking advantage of all means available that can help pay for assisted living.  Below are ways to pay for assisted living, including some options that most people know about and others that are less well known.





Private Pay
Most families pay for assisted living out of their own pockets using a combination of Social Security, pensions, Veterans benefits, home equity, and savings.


Long-Term Care Insurance
Long-term care insurance is a policy that is purchased through a private insurance company.  Similar to health insurance policies, the price varies greatly depending on factors such as the person's health, age, and amount of coverage.  Coverage could be denied for people with pre-existing conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, a stroke, or Parkinson's disease.  However, insurers vary widely in their criteria.  If one company denies an applicant, another company might accept that person.


Aid and Attendance Veterans Benefit

The Veterans Administration's Aid and Attendance is part of an "improved pension" benefit that is largely unknown.  Living in an Assisted Living facility qualifies.  Aid and Attendance is an enhancement to a veteran's regular VA pension.  In 2020, qualifying veterans and their spouses could be eligible for a VA Pension of approximately $2,266 per month.  For more information on what VA Benefits will cover, eligibility criteria and how to apply, click HERE.


Medicaid ADvantage- BRAND NEW!

Woodland Gardens is one of 17 assisted living communities in Oklahoma and the ONLY one in SW Oklahoma that accepts ADvantage.  Criteria for acceptance:        

  • Age: 65 and older or 21 with a disability

  • Income: Less than $2,349 gross income / month
    However: If the applicant’s income is more than $2,349 but less than $5,420, establishing a Medicaid Income Pension Trust (MIPT) may be an option to still meet eligibility.

  • Resources: Less than $2,000 combined total resources

      Trusts, bank accounts, certificates of deposit (CD’s), retirement accounts, annuities, cash surrender values of life insurance       policies, revocable burial funds or policies, property that is not the home or connected to the home, stocks, bonds, life
      estates, etc. are all considered resources.

  • All resources considered must be added together and be below the $2,000 limit with a 5 year look back.



Medicare does not pay for the cost of living, room and board, or personal care in an assisted living facility. Medicare might pay for short-term stays in an ALF or rehabilitation center while someone recovers from an illness, injury, or surgery. Assistance from Medicare is very limited.



915 N. Broadway

Hobart, OK 73651

580-752-4445 Phone

580-752-4461 Fax

This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 

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